Tuesday, 12 June 2012

The Clip - Storyboards

 This is the main storyboard for my final movie, it shouldn't change too much.

1. A computer in a dark hallway,
2.The computer is approached by the main character who clicks on the icon 'small',
3.she begins to shrink,
4.she falls backwards,
5.she lands on a pillow in a small world,
6.she opens a CD case and begins to roll the CD,

7.The CD is rolled into a CD Walkman, 
8.She plugs headphones into the walkman and beings listening to music, 
9.she walks with the headphones as far as they will extend until she reaches a laptop, 
10.she runs on the laptops mousepad controlling the mouse, 
11.she hovers the mouse over the icon 'big', 
12.she double jumps on the left mouse button,

13. The camera zooms up on the sole of her shoe,
14. the camera zooms out to show her whole body and we see a new world materializing,
15. she lands on a street as a giant the size of the houses,
16. she starts to run and spots a satellite dish,
17. she grabs the satellite dish and scans the sky for a signal her eyes become television static,
18. the camera zooms up on her eyes and we see that she has found a signal.

19. The camera zooms up furthur into her eyes showing a picture of a computer setup,
20. the camera continues to zoom and shows the computer is full of errors [restart now],
21. the camera zooms out to show the figure of the girl again,
22. a full body shot of the giant girl shows her holding a large branch.
23. the branch carefully presses the enter button on the computers keyboard,
24. the girl rematerializes in her original world at her original size.

 Background Image codes:

<div><a href='http://www.flickr.com/photos/ramyoga/4021067626/' target='_blank'><img src='http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2543/4021067626_ff25646f1d_m.jpg' alt='Symphony of Light by ramyo, on Flickr' title='Symphony of Light by ramyo, on Flickr' border='0'/></a><br/><a href='http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.0/' target='_blank'><img src='http://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc/2.0/80x15.png' alt='Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.0 Generic License' title='Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.0 Generic License' border='0' align='left'></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;by&nbsp;<a href='http://www.flickr.com/people/ramyoga/' target='_blank'>&nbsp;ramyo</a><a href='http://www.imagecodr.org/' target='_blank'>&nbsp;</a></div>

<div><a href='http://www.flickr.com/photos/ramyoga/4032318979/' target='_blank'><img src='http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3529/4032318979_4a90c69faa_m.jpg' alt='Neon Wind by ramyo, on Flickr' title='Neon Wind by ramyo, on Flickr' border='0'/></a><br/><a href='http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.0/' target='_blank'><img src='http://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc/2.0/80x15.png' alt='Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.0 Generic License' title='Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.0 Generic License' border='0' align='left'></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;by&nbsp;<a href='http://www.flickr.com/people/ramyoga/' target='_blank'>&nbsp;ramyo</a><a href='http://www.imagecodr.org/' target='_blank'>&nbsp;</a></div>

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