Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Project 3 The Clip Final

Media Design at any scale means interactivity. This is my design standpoint. The point of my video is a bit of a play on words with the word 'scale', using the scale of a person in the narrative of the video as a metaphor for the scale of media design throughout the world. Interactivity to me is the most important part about Media Design, if you are not interacting with something then you are not engaged and it is therefore not very good design. Ideally all design should be easy to interact with and understand, some examples of good design that are shown in my video are the CD Walkman, which clearly shows the user where the CD goes and how to to operate it with the help of large buttons. The Satellite Dish is designed with the purpose of picking up transmittable frequencies; it accomplishes this, this is shown in my video somewhat though the use of fantasy. Computers are something that we sometimes take for granted but they were designed well with their maximum potential being used by by people of a standard size not too large or too small. My video shows that some of human designs could be used by tiny or giant people if they existed, but more importantly it shows us that the best designs are the ones that we humans can manipulate to help us no matter what our current circumstances are, whether this is in a foreign area or in a location far away from a source of power. These ideas were shown in my video through the use of different locations, for example the use of a computer in the middle of a forest, and the implication of foreign lands, when the video takes us into both a small world and a large world.

The link below will take you to my clip.


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