Monday, 20 August 2012

Final Object : Balancing Platform Slippers

This is my finished pair of platform slippers that I have used for the project Interactive Objects.

Hamilton Jayden
Balancing Platform Slippers

My design works firstly with the brain’s preconception of what the slippers are. I have created them so that they appear like ordinary slippers on top of two plush boxes.
Next it deals with balance, which is to do partially with the sense of touch and feel, and partially to do with the brains ability of coordination.
Whilst wearing the slippers to walk the user will be able to acknowledge the difference between heavy and light in their feet, as well as balance, and a lack of balance while they walk.
The idea behind the slippers is to create an experience that the user can compare with their usual everyday walking experience. I wanted to have a really heavy slipper and a really light slipper; this will confuse a person’s sense of coordination.
People who have used the slippers will hopefully acknowledge that feet are often taken for granted, and it isn’t until we confuse them that we really appreciate the job they do.

The challenge of these slippers is to first put them on whilst seated, secondly to stand up and walk whilst holding onto something (a table, chair or friend) and lastly to walk in the slippers without holding anything for balance.
Do not try on slippers if you are not confident that you can balance yourself. Incorrect use may result in injured ankles, feet, and other body parts.

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