Friday, 14 December 2012

Mock-ups for sign

Here some digital mock-ups for the sign, one is the original size, one is stretched.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Here is the finished design, text included for my Aunt's sign. It is to be made with Macrocapa wood, I will show pictures when all is complete.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Still Designing, Rosy Sign

Christmas break and I am still designing. As soon as the family recognizes that I am studying design they all want a piece.

This is a design that will work its way into a sign for my Auntie as a present for her husband.

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Green Screening

The idea I had in my mind was that green screening was going to be easy, I just grab a piece of something green, do what I do when acting with it, and use keying to put another video in place of the green parts, this part was easy.
The hard part was mapping this new video to move with the green screen map that our character Neil uses. When filming the map waved around a fair amount, I should have thought it through and made Neil keep the green screen map as still as possible, this would have allowed for easier editing.

I finished mapping out the movements of the pirate map and stared the rendering process, I didn't realize it would take 40 minutes to render an 18 second clip.

My clip was rendered and I put it in with the rest of the movie but when played back it had no sound. Nobody told me you had to select the option of rendering the audio as well.

I had to wait another 40 minutes.

Monday, 29 October 2012

Digital Pirate Map : Final

Victoria University of Wellington
School of Design
DSDN112: Intro to Interaction Design
Project 2B: Navigation Interface
Digital Pirate Map

I designed a futuristic technology similar to a map but with the function of being digital to enable quick and easy use as well as being built from a flexible material to enable easy storage and the ability to be folded to fit into one's pocket.

This short film illustrates the use of this technology.

A special thanks to Mantra for the use of their music 'The Bunnyman' and 'Flashback'
Also thanks to Juanitos for the use of their song 'Black Samba'

Thank you to everyone who helped me in the creation of this movie.

Here is the link to my completed video.

I wasn't quite happy with how it turned out, technology just wasn't on my side, there were supposed to be some captions throughout the party montage but these got cropped out for some reason, I also had other technical difficulties, overall I'm content with how it turned out, it could have been a lot worse.

In one of our studio sessions we were asked by our tutor to list five words that our movie should portray about the navigation system, my five words were

Simplistic, Quick, Compact, Malleable, and Themed. I think I managed to portray each of these five words.

Simplistic, the Digital Pirate Map was shown to have a simple use which Neil used well whilst under pressure from the group of angry people chasing them.

Quick, Neil used the map to navigate the four friends out of cemetery quickly enough so as to avoid being harmed by the angry people chasing them

Compact,Neil was able to tuck the map away in his pocket, when not using the map it was not noticeable most of the time, yet he still carried it.

Malleable, several times we saw Neil folding, unfolding, or rolling up the map, showing off the flexibility  of its structure.

Themed, one of the main features of the digital interface was that the user followed dashed lines to get to their destination which was marked by an 'X' just as a pirate map would be. In my movie I wanted to illustrate this point of inspiration by having the main character dress up as a pirate.

Sunday, 28 October 2012


Any good film has music, and any law abiding film maker has rights to any music used in his films.
I immediately thought of my friends involved in musical acts and asked if I could use their music in my film. The band 'Mantra' released The Bunnyman EP in 2011. I asked my friend Jeremy Richardson, the drummer of Mantra if I could use some of their music

  • Conversation started October 13 

  • 12:57pm
  • Jayden Rhinosaur Hamilton

    Jeremy, I wanted to ask you a massive favour.
    I am making a movie in the next few weeks for a design project and was wondering if you could licence me the use some of Mantra's music in it.
    Everything at University needs to be copyright legal, this gives me a great opportunity to use local music of people I know.
    I am unsure as to who owns the rights to Mantra's music but I was assuming that because you were 1/4 of the creative power behind the group you had 1/4 of the rights.
    If this is the case are you able to allow my use of the music; do you need to consult the others?
    The point of my project is to illustrate the use of a navigation interface of Kelburn Campus and I am turning this into a comedy movie.
    Thanks Jeremy,
  • October 20 
  • Jeremy Richardson

    yeah thats algood man

    I have chosen to use snippets of the tracks for Bunnyman and Flashback as a part of my film.

     I also asked if anyone else had music that they wanted to contribute towards the film, a friend and Actor in the film Anthony wanted to ontribute music. H sent me through some demos and I judged them on how they would fit into the party scene which I required audio for. Unfortunately none of the music fit a party atmosphere.

    From here I had to desperately search for free music online. I used the website and searched for party music. Almost all music on this webite is free to download but also illegal to edit as it has a no derivitive licence.
    I did however find a track called Black Samba by Juanitos. It is not exactly the kind of party music I was hoping for but it does a good job of creating a lighthearted if ever so seedy atmosphere.

Friday, 26 October 2012

Making A Movie Happen

A lot of work went into making the movie, the most important part of this was finding people to help me as actors and other roles.
I used Facebook to tell people what I was doing, I had a number of my friends whom I had invited say that they wanted to help in some way, some were more reliable than others.

Here is how I went about it:

Make A Movie
Invite-Only Event · By Jayden Rhinosaur Hamilton
  • Monday, October 29, 2012
 I need people to help me with filming a movie, this primarily includes actors, but if you can offer your help in other ways like filming or music this would be much appreciated.

This is going to be a short film for a University project, we must illustrate the use of navigation interface (digital map) and I am choosing to do this via comedy movie.

The general plot line involves some boys who go to a party and cause some ruckus that results in them having to run away from people who want to hurt them.

Please let me know if you are interested in the slightest way and I will try to plan filming and other things around your availability.


I had some of the following responses:

 Sounds interesting.
 Dibs on playing Rok Kongo, the cheerful backpack-wearing psychopathic adventurer
 M!W! would be keen on doing some soundtrack work too if you need one!
 Can i be Neil? :p
 flick me a pm if you want me. id be keen tho. pretty good at causing ruckus
 I can be ye pirate grrr any excuse to not shave hahaha
 Maybe :)
 I'm getting married this weekend, so I can't make it. Sorry about that.
 Can't make it this weekend brah.
 I'm physically unable to throw up so I don't think it would be a realistic character for me to play
 I can definitely do this, sweet
 I'd love to help but I'll have to get time off work, are we filming on just the one day or over many?
 Anthony and I are interested in playing villains if there are villains in it. Also where will the batcave be?
 Have moustache, will act.
 Me and Josh can defanitly cause rukus. You just have to tell the people afterwards that we were acting so we don't get stabed
keen :)
Keen whenever you need me :)

 As well as the initial invite I needed specific information for certain scenes here are some of my requests and the responses I recieved from them:
i also want to do a scene where one of our main 4 is intoxicated and throws up over a balcony and onto some people, this will involve spraying water out of someones mouth onto some people, if i can get people who are not afraid of a bit of water who can get changed into dry clothes after the shoot that would be awesome.
  ohh i might be able to do that. does anything have to be done other than getting water all over meh?
I am going to need some girls who can slap a guy after hes tried to pick her up.
slaps need to be realistic but not too painful.
pickup lines include:
'here i am, what are your other two wishes?'
'i seem to have lost my phone number can i have yours?'
'if sexy was a crime you'd be guilty as charged'
'you're so beautiful you made me forget my pickup lin
 ohh ohh I can slap good ! haha ..Hope you find a good slapper
;)How about "Cut the **** ****muffin, the time for horse**** has passed and I heard you like it up the-" *SLAP*
or or "Did you fall from heaven? Because your face is ****Ed up

Jayden Rhinosaur Hamilton 
 i have been told by tutors to keep it as g rated as can be.
 Clearly some of the responses to my inquiries were more serious than others.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Raw Footage

Here is some raw footage of my movie. 

The first scene was shot at a house party which in the movie is to appear as the Hunter Lounge

This second scene is shot at the bus stop on Kelburn Parade, here the character of Neil turns up in a pirate costume when he was expected to be dressed in a suit.

This third scene was shot in the Mount Street Cemetery in Kelburn. In this scene the four boys are running away from some people who wish them harm.

Friday, 19 October 2012

Final Code + Pictures

This is the code for my final Interactive Mouse Toy; I call it eyeball monsters.

//////////////////////////////// Below is the code

int x = 250; //X location
int y = 150; //Y location
int pupilx = 5;
int pupily = 6;
int s = 10;
int sun = 255; //sun opacity visible when released
int col = 255; //background colour
int bro = 0; //opacity visible when clicked
int grey =255;// grey parts of monster opacity
int grr = 1; //red in small eye

void setup(){

void draw(){
//this is the code for the background and click monster

//beach and face
 fill (255,220,150,sun);
 rect (0,0,500,500);
 fill (60,30,10,bro);
 rect (0,0,500,500);

//big eye ring
 fill (102,170,255,sun);
 ellipse (x-400,y,750,500);
 ellipse (x+400,y,750,500);
 fill (20,bro);
 strokeWeight (16);
 ellipse (x-400,y,750,500);
 ellipse (x+400,y,750,500);

//big eye outline
  float o2 = map(mouseY, y-75, y+75, y-10, y+10);
  stroke (0,bro);
  fill (255,0+(mouseX-pmouseX),0+(mouseX-pmouseX),bro);
  //potential sun stars lines/triangles

//big pupil
  float i1 = map(mouseX, x-340, x-160, x-265, x-235);
  float i1b = map(mouseX, x+340, x+160, x+265, x+235);
  float i2 = map(mouseY, y-75, y+75, y-10, y+10);
stroke (255,0,0,bro);
 line (i1,i2,x-270,o2);
 line (i1-45,i2,x-495,o2);
 line (i1+45,i2,x-80,o2);
 line (i1,i2-45,x-270,o2-80);
 line (i1,i2+45,x-270,o2+80);
 line (i1-33,i2-33,x-373,o2-67);
 line (i1+33,i2+33,x-167,o2+65);
 line (i1-33,i2+33,x-373,o2+65);
 line (i1+33,i2-33,x-167,o2-65);

 line (i1b,i2,x+270,o2);
 line (i1b+45,i2,x+495,o2);
 line (i1b-45,i2,x+80,o2);
 line (i1b,i2+45,x+270,o2+80);
 line (i1b,i2-45,x+270,o2-80);
 line (i1b+33,i2+33,x+373,o2+67);
 line (i1b-33,i2-33,x+167,o2-65);
 line (i1b+33,i2-33,x+373,o2-65);
 line (i1b-33,i2+33,x+167,o2+65);

  fill (20,bro);
  ellipse (i1,i2,100,100);
  ellipse (i1b,i2,100,100);
//face nose
 ellipse (x,500,600,200);
 fill (102,170,255,sun);
 ellipse (x,500,600,200);
 ellipse (100,500,250,100);
 ellipse (400,500,250,100);
 ellipse (100,500,250,100);
 ellipse (400,500,250,100);

//this is the start of the code for my monster   
//This is the shell of the eye 
 fill (150,grey);

 triangle (x,y,250+mouseY,y+300,x+30,y);
 triangle (x,y,250-mouseY,y+300,x-30,y);
 triangle (251+mouseY,y+300,251+(mouseY*93/100),y+280,290+mouseY,y+320);
 triangle (249-mouseY,y+300,249-(mouseY*93/100),y+280,210-mouseY,y+320);

 triangle (x-110,y,x-130,y,width-mouseX,height-mouseY);
 triangle (x+110,y,x+130,y,width-mouseX,height-mouseY);
 ellipse  (width-mouseX,height-mouseY,30,30);
 ellipse  (width-mouseX,height-mouseY,30,30);

 //grey eye shape
 ellipse (x,y,180,150);
 ellipse (x-90,y,80,40);
 ellipse (x+90,y,80,40);
 triangle (x,y,x-130,y,x-55,y-60);
 triangle (x,y,x-130,y,x-55,y+60);
 triangle (x,y,x+130,y,x+55,y+60);
 triangle (x,y,x+130,y,x+55,y-60);

//important floats
  float  x1 = map(mouseX, x-25, x+25, x-1, x+1);
  float x2 = map(mouseY, y-25, y+25, y-2, y+2);
 float zamberg = x1-25; // responsible for eyelashes
 while (zamberg<x1+25)
 line (x1,x2,zamberg,x2+55);
 line (x1,x2,zamberg,x2-55);
 zamberg = zamberg+10;
//This is the white (that turns red) eyeball part
  ellipse(x1, x2, 100, 100);   

//This is the black pupil
 float y1 = map(mouseX, x-25, x+25, x-pupilx, x+pupilx);
 float y2 = map(mouseY, y-25, y+25, y-pupily, y+pupily/2);

 stroke (255);
 line (x1,x2,y1,y2);
 line (x1-45,x2,y1-9,y2);
 line (x1+45,x2,y1+9,y2);
 line (x1,x2-45,y1,y2-9);
 line (x1,x2+45,y1,y2+9);
 line (x1-33,x2-33,y1,y2);
 line (x1+33,x2+33,y1,y2);
 line (x1-33,x2+33,y1,y2);
 line (x1+33,x2-33,y1,y2);

 ellipse (y1,y2,30,30);
//this is the end of the code for my monster

void mousePressed(){
if (mousePressed == true){

  grey =100;
  bro = 255;
  grr = 0;
  col = 255;
  sun = 0;

void mouseReleased(){
  cursor (ARROW);
  grey =255;
  bro = 0;
  grr = 1;
  col = 255;
  sun = 255;

////////////////////////////////////////end of code.

Below are images of my working eyeball monsters mouse toy.

The small monster is interactive, his eye follows you and gets angry, and his limbs all move.
When the mouse is pressed and held the big monsters eyes move and get angry, they follow the small monsters gaze.

Flexible Map

My idea for a movie had the user, a pirate named Neil, showing off a pirate map which is my navigation interface. To put this into practice I had to come up with a material that was the right size for a pirate map and also flexible.

I headed over to Briscoes to search for materials, I had in mind a silicone baking tray. These trays are flexible so that any baking can come off easily and they can withstand the heat!

Silicone Map, A5

Scrunched Up

Folded Up Ready To Be Placed Inside Of A Pocket

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Existing Eyeball Monsters - Inspiration

This example was inspiration to me, firstly because it has eyes that follow the mouse, a very important part of what my mouse toy is going to be. It also has a monster element to it which is interesting as it is not just a thing following the mouse, it has a character.

I want to create a monster with interactive eyes and other potentially interactive functions. He/She will have a cute appeal that makes you want to cuddle it like the claw aliens from toy story.

//The following is not my work, it is an example that I have taken inspiration //from.

 * Monster Dance
 * Assignment:
 * Course: Interactive Digital Mdedia
 * Author: David Langly
 * Date:
 * Description: Group of monsters dancing to the beat
 * of the music.
Monster m1;
Monster m2;
Monster m3;
Monster m4;
void setup() {
  m1 = new Monster(150, 50);
  m2 = new Monster(40, 300);
  m3 = new Monster(300, 250);
  m4 = new Monster(350, 100);
void draw() {
  // Update each monster's pupils to follow cursor.
  m1.update(mouseX, mouseY);
  m2.update(mouseX, mouseY);
  m3.update(mouseX, mouseY);
  m4.update(mouseX, mouseY);
  // Display each monster with updated pupil position.
void mousePressed() {
void mouseDragged() {
void mouseReleased() {
 * Monster.
 * This class defines the blueprint for creating a monster
 * with a triangular head and two bulging eyes. The monster
 * is cool because its bulging eyes follow the mouse cursor
 * and grow with time. Moreover, the position of the monster
 * can be changed by clicking near the monster's eye and
 * dragging with the mouse. The functionality to move the
 * monster was implemented based on the Mouse Functions
 * example application bundled with Processing.
class Monster
  float monsterX;
  float monsterY;
  Eye leye;
  Eye reye;
  boolean bover = false;
  boolean locked = false;
  float bdifx = 0.0;
  float bdify = 0.0;
  Monster(int x, int y) {
    monsterX = x;
    monsterY = y;
    leye = new Eye(50, 50);
    reye = new Eye(150, 50);
  void update(int mx, int my) {
    leye.update(mx-monsterX, my-monsterY);
    reye.update(mx-monsterX, my-monsterY);
    if (isInside(mx, my))
      bover = true;
      bover = false;
  boolean isInside(int mx, int my) {
    if (leye.isInside(mx-monsterX, my-monsterY))
      return true;
    if (reye.isInside(mx-monsterX, my-monsterY))
      return true;
    return false;
  void mousePressed() {
    if (bover)
      locked = true;
      locked = false;
    bdifx = mouseX-monsterX;
    bdify = mouseY-monsterY;
  void mouseDragged() {
    if (locked)
      monsterX = mouseX-bdifx;
      monsterY = mouseY-bdify;
  void mouseReleased() {
    locked = false;
  void display() {
    translate(monsterX, monsterY);
    // draw all parts of the monster that is
    // static, i.e. everything apart from the
    // eye. make sure all coordinates are
    // relative to the current location of
    // the monster.
    fill(230, 201, 42);
    triangle(0, 0, 200, 0, 100, 150);
 * Eye.
 * This class defines the blueprint for diplaying an eye whose
 * pupil follows the position of the mouse cursor. The original
 * idea and calculations were taken from the example application
 * "Arctangent" bundled with the Processing application.
 * The eye increases and decreases in size automatically as a
 * function of time. The initial size of an eye as well as the
 * rate at which the eye grows are both determined by using a
 * random number generator.
class Eye
  final static int MAX_EYE_SIZE = 100;
  final static int MIN_EYE_SIZE = 20;
  final static float MAX_EYE_VELOCITY = 0.2;
  final static float MIN_EYE_VELOCITY = -0.2;
  int ex, ey;
  float size;
  float velocity;
  float angle = 0.0;
  Eye(int x, int y) {
    ex = x;
    ey = y;   
    size = random(MIN_EYE_SIZE, MAX_EYE_SIZE);
    velocity = random(MIN_EYE_VELOCITY, MAX_EYE_VELOCITY);
  boolean isInside(float mx, float my) {
   float distance = sqrt(sq(ex - mx) + sq(ey - my));
   if (distance <= size)
     return true;
     return false;
  void update(float mx, float my) {
    angle = atan2(my-ey, mx-ex);
    size += velocity;
    if (size > MAX_EYE_SIZE) {
      velocity = -velocity;
    if (size < MIN_EYE_SIZE) {
      velocity = -velocity; 
  void display() {
    translate(ex, ey);
    ellipse(0, 0, size, size);
    ellipse(size/4, 0, size/2, size/2);
} /////////////////////End of example