Friday 23 October 2015

3D prints, getting the hang of it.

I decide to create a small piece using the 3D printer rather than a large cage. As it was a requirement I only needed to tick the box of having it there, but I realized that starting small is the best thing when 3D printing as you get that instant feeling of satisfaction when your print is successful and that only encourages you to try again and again.

I spent the morning at Uni and managed to get five prints done. The first one was too big and the holes throughout it were 1.5mm rather than the 1 that fit snug so I redrew my design and got to printing. At the same time I was using the workshop to recreate my circular mould for the cylindrical plastic piece.

Even now the novelty hasn't worn off that a machine made this stuff under my instruction. Even now I can appreciate that the rafts that I have been given which I cannot use currently were created by the machine with their sole purpose being to support. I still think though, that to be able to recycle them, whether that is turning them back into filament or melting them down as I have my other plastics.

Food for thought eh?

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