Tuesday 29 September 2015

Melting Plastic revisited

For the final project I don't have a lot of inspiration as to where to go. In the last project I feel I exhausted my exploration of plaster. I do however have left over recycled plastic from my first project that could be turned into something new.

I enjoyed the first project, making something completely new out of a waste material. I would like to further explore the properties of waste plastic, in particular giving it a more purposeful shape.

One of the parts I like about moulding recycled plastic is the application of heat required. I like to use fire in a controlled way to apply heat correctly to get the desired result.

Another learning experience in using plastic is in creating the moulds for the melted plastic to shape to. In the past project I used simple rectangular moulds with different depths, each with a different sized stamp which was used to push down the liquid plastic to allow any air bubbles to rise out of it.

At this stage I feel I may use a solid base in which I can setup my circuit.

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