Wednesday 17 October 2012

Movie Script

We see the back of Darren's head as he walks along, he approaches his friends who are fighting.
Darren : Woah,woah guys cut it out.
Jonothan : Yeah, st stop it
Neil : Get off me
Lance : Hahaha,
Darren : Neil forget him, Jonothan come here, listen up. We're going to Hunter tomorrow night.
Lance : Where's Hunter?
Darren : Near the Uni somewhere, anyway the chicks will be banging, the costumes will be smooth like mafia or something, so wear something badass, We'll get our drink on and stake our claim. Tomorrow night we make something of ourselves.

The next evening Darren, Jonothan and Lance wait at the bus stop for Neil who missed the bus.
Lance : Where the hell is he?
Jonothan : He just missed the bus, he'll probably be picking out his clothes with his mum, you know he's useless with fashionable clothes.
Lance : Oh yeah Jono, Mr hot fashion
Jonothan : Because I can wash and iron a shirt?
Darreen : Oi, Shutup, Relax, We've got all night, people will only just be starting to turn up.
Jonothan : Hey, the bus.

Neil steps off of the bus dressed as a pirate
Neil : Hey fellas!
Lance : What the hell are you wearing?
Jonothan : Why are you dressed as a pirate?                        Darren: Laughter, Hahahaha
Neil : Pirates are badass, you said dress badass.
Lance: If you're twelve
Jonothan : Its a criminal themed party, we are going as mafia, the fab four,
Neil : You didn't say that, you said dress badass
Lance : That's not badass.
Neil : Yes it is
Lance : No it's not, you look like a toddler.
Neil : Yes it is, pirates drink harder, party harder, and kill people more ruthlessly than mafia.
Jonothan : Guys shut up,where do we go?
Lance: Hunter is around here, somewhere...
Neil : I can use my pirate map to find it!
Jonothan : Your kidding right? and I bet X marks the spot too.
Neil : Thats right. See, its digital, and completely flexible. Touch screen too, I just type in Hun..T..E..R... and...
Darren : Look those people are going too, lets follow them.
Lance : Put that thing away
Darren : You look like a dick.

 The four characters walk into the party.

Each character does their own thing at party.
Darren talks to ladies and gets numbers.

Jonothan is awkward but gets into chugging beer, fast!

Neil talks confidently but people are uneasy about him, he drinks rum like a sophisticato

Lance trys picking up girls and gets rejected.
Here I am, what were your other two wishes?
I seem to have lost my phone number, can I have yours?
Baby, if sexy was a crime you'd be guilty as charged.
Do I know you? because you look like my next girlfriend.

Lance is slapped. Fade in and out of black
Neil : You should've seen it Jono just downed them one after another, it was unbelievable, just like water.
Lance : Wha, what happened?
Darren : You got bitch slapped.
Lance : Where's Jono?
Jonothan throws up over balcony onto people below.
Darren : Oh crap, guys, Lance, help me with Jono, lets get out of here.
Jonothan : Wha? Huh?
Lance : Neil, Come on

The four of them are chased into the cemetery

Darren : Come on, this way. Get down.
Neil : What are we doing?
Jonothan : Wha?
Lance : Shut up Jonothan, those guys over there are after us because he threw up all over their heads. We've got to get out of here or they will kill us.
Darren : Nice spot for it.
Neil : We can use my pirate map
Lance : Oh man...
Neil : No look, I can find our location... Kelburn Graveyard and then... find different ways out. This path is where we came from so those guys will be there, but we can go down here there are steps that lead to the road.
Lance : Can you see them?
Darren : Nope, lets go quick.

The four meet up on the street.
Lance : So back to the party then,
Darren : No Way, not with Jonothan like this, and those guys will be back there too.
Lance : Go home then?
Darren : Yep I guess so, Neil, which way to the nearest bus going home.
Neil : Busstop fast find. And... it's the same one as earlier, just  go up and around if you want to avoid those guys.

We see the map as the boys run to the bus stop
Darren : Hey quick, the bus is coming, Neil?
Neil : They're coming!
Lance : He's right, quick come on
They rush onto the bus and the doors close just in time. They sit down and relax.

A La Fin.

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