Monday 8 October 2012

Pirate's and Adjectives

Today we were told that we should suggest five adjectives that our navigation interface portrays, my five words were:






We were then told that these five words should be shown in our product through the video that we are going to produce. So, I will need to show that my navigation interface is simplistic, that it can be used quickly, that it can be folded, compacted and put into the users pocket, and potentially I will need to show that it has a pirate theme.

This may involve getting together actors and including one who could be a pirate.

The angle that I wish to aim for in my video is like a scene from a Comedy film like 'Superbad' that somehow integrates the use of my Interactive map. This would be a satisfying way to create my movie clip as I am currently also studying film and we do not get a chance to actually film anything in the first year course I can use the principals of film that I have learnt to help me to film in an interesting and communicative way.

Image from :

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